Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Susan B. Anthony Essay - 531 Words

Susan B. Anthony Susan Brownell Anthony was a magnificent women who devoted most of her life to gain the right for women to vote. She traveled the United States by stage coach, wagon, and train giving many speeches, up to 75 to 100 a year, for 45 years. She went as far as writing a newspaper, the Revolution, and casting a ballot, despite it being illegal. Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820, in Adams, Massachusetts. She was the second of eight children in her family. In the early 1800s girls were not allowed an education. Susans father, Daniel, believed in equal treatment for boys and girls and allowed her to receive her education from a private boarding school in Philadelphia. At the age of seven her†¦show more content†¦During the Civil War, in 1863, Susan founded the Womens Loyal League, which fought for the freeing of slaves. Susans work for womens rights began when she met a mother of young children by the name of Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1851. The two women worked on reforming New York state laws discriminating women. Susan organized state campaigns for legal reforms and delivered speeches written by Stanton. Elizabeth and Susan organized the National Women Suffrage Association and worked hard for a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote. Even though the 15th amendment allowed newly freed slaves to vote, women of any race still could not vote. For ten years, Susan and Elizabeth wrote their newspaper, the Revolution, focusing on the injustices suffered by women. In the 1872 presidential election, Susan decided to register and cast a ballot to protest for womens rights. She was arrested, convicted, and refused to pay the one hundred dollar fine. Susan Anthony went to Europe in 1883, to meet other womens rights activists. Later, in 1888, she helped form the International American Council of Women, which represented 48 countries. At the age of eighty, Susan B. Anthony resigned as president of the National American Women Suffrage Association, but continued to be a speaker at the conventions until she died in Rochester, New York, on March 13, 1906. InShow MoreRelatedSusan B Anthony681 Words   |  3 PagesSusan B Anthony Some Facts Regarding the Suffrage Movement and Susan B Anthony’s Involvement Cindy Mutchler November 13, 2011 American Public University Tara Simpson HIST 102 Most people have heard of Susan B Anthony as her face is on some of our dollar coins. But some may not know the reasons behind her being on that coin, and the way that she got there. This and many other things in themselves make her fascinating and intriguing as well. Born on February 15 1820, Susan B. AnthonyRead MoreSusan B. Anthony2353 Words   |  10 PagesSusan B. Anthony once said, â€Å"I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.† (Brainy Quote) Susan B. Anthony is a recognizable name, but one that is not rightfully credited for the equal society we live in today. During her time, â€Å"equal† was a feared term for many American citizens, and at the mention of this word, many turned their heads. To some, equal meant white, middle-class men giving away their to controlRead More Susan B. Anthony Essay1300 Words   |  6 PagesSusan B. Anthony On February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts, a woman by the name of Susan Brownell Anthony was born to parents Daniel and Lucy (Read) Anthony. She was the second born of a strongly rooted Quaker family of eight (Hist.Bio.-1). Because they lived in a Quaker neighborhood, Susan was not heavily exposed to slavery. The family made anti-slavery talks an almost daily conversation over the dinner table. She also saw men and women on the same level (Stoddard 36). â€Å"A hard workingRead MoreThe Journey Of Susan B. Anthony1088 Words   |  5 PagesDare to Vote: The Journey of Susan B. Anthony Susan B. 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TheseRead MoreA Look into Susan B. Anthony531 Words   |  2 Pagesarticles all the way to her death. Susan B. Anthony was a lady who was influenced by her Quaker family. She made many accomplishments even though it didn’t come in the form of a medal. She made history without fighting, medals, or money. Just her dedication to help women and slaves. Susan B. Anthony was born on February15, 1820. Anthony was the second oldest of eight children. The family was Quakers. They believed everyone was equal including black folks. Anthony was also a well rounded studentRead MoreSusan B. Anthony : An American Icon1462 Words   |  6 PagesSusan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony was a born a fighter she never stopped protesting the morally incorrect in her first years to her last she fought for equality. Susan B. Anthony is an American icon known for her work with the Women Suffrage Movement she influenced the American culture and brought all American women a better future. Her legacy sculpted feminism and helped the community pave the way to equality. Susan B. Anthony was born an activist her family being involved in the Anti-SlaveryRead MoreThe Life of Susan B. Anthony Essay578 Words   |  3 PagesSusan B. Anthony has gone through many rough times and had to go through many obstacles. She has had many ideas to try and get women equal rights. Susan, I believe, is an amazing person to accomplish what she did. This is the reason she should be in the History Hall of Fame. Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 ( She studied at a Quaker school near Philadelphia and found work as a teacher ( The article â€Å"Susan B. Anthony† states that Susan was paid less than men. SusanRead MoreSusan B. Anthony s Contributions1233 Words   |  5 Pages Susan B. Anthony is an influential figure in American History for a multitude of reasons. Her primary contributions were made through her ability to voice her opinion over the unequal rights for women and blacks. The thing that makes Susan B. Anthony stand out the most is her power to get women the equal rights they deserve. Through the years of 1892—1900, she fought for the abolition of slavery and women’s rights. Her life spanned 86 years from birth on February 15, 1820 to death on March 13Read MoreThe Willed Woman By Susan B. Anthony1404 Words   |  6 PagesQuetext About Widget FAQ Contact The Willed Woman Susan B. Anthony had a voice that wanted to be heard. The woman’s gifted voice inspired men and woman to fight for equality. Anthony fought for women’s right to vote and for women to have the courage to stand up for themselves. She achieved her capabilities through her father Daniel Anthony. Daniel Anthony raised his children to be strong in their convictions and to show their love for God by working for human betterment (Bilhartz, 2). While living

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